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Best Laid Plans

February 28, 2012

Bush whose name escapes me Winter Blooming Camilia
I spent the week of Valentine’s Day at the country garden and had great plans to catch up on some blogging by writing ahead. We don’t have internet service there yet, but I was planning to stock pile posts so that I could simply publish them when I got home. Well, it didn’t work. So now I am back and working to catch up again. The country garden was already blooming two weeks ago. There were a variety of daffodils in flower, the winter Camilla bush was in full bloom as were a couple of bushes whose names I don’t have solid in my memory or vocabulary. As I have said before, my mother in law created gardens around the house that consist of bulbs and blooming bushes and trees. There is something in bloom year round, you just have to look for it.

Loki the garden dog and I have great fun walking the property looking for the best site to create the satellite for our original Carolina Victory Garden. Loki really enjoys being able to roam off leash when we go there. We found a good place for the garden and will be starting to prepare the beds soon. This garden may not have perfect timing this year, but that is ok. We have time to develop this garden. Be on the look out for more adventures as we develop this garden. Eventually, this satellite will become the main garden if not the only one.

I had the privilege of spending a couple of hours with Lisa from Natural Gardening over at the South Carolina Botanical Garden. What a beautiful place! I learned a few things during our discussion. We have an infestation in the country garden of Florida Betony and Lisa helped me to identify this invasive plant and learn more about how to get it out of the yard and flower beds. Stay tuned for more on this as well.

One particularly rainy day Loki and I planned our seed order for this year. We also decided that there were several reasons to plan and lay out a new garden before ordering seed or purchasing plants. We’ll be discussing those reasons over the next few days as well.

Wow, we did all of this, had a few business meetings, met with a contractor or two to arrange some repairs, took delivery of some furniture and rediscovered a great quilt shop in the area all in one week! Stay tuned. I’ll be discussing some of these adventures in more depth over the next few days and weeks.

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